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OIA/FOI & Ministerial Services Solution

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TEAM Track: Official Correspondence Tracking Solution

TEAM Track is a complete solution for tracking official correspondence such as Official Information Act (OIA) or Freedom of Information (FOI) requests, Parliamentary Questions, and Ministerial Correspondence. It is designed for both NZ and Australian Government agencies.

Built on SharePoint, TEAM Track is an integrated solution that is deployed into your own SharePoint Online environment, so that you remain in control of your data, your security and your access controls. It also avoids the additional costs and user account requirements imposed by working on other platforms.

TEAM Track offers a range of specialised features that make management of OIA/FOI requests and other forms of Ministerial Correspondence a breeze:

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Tailored Forms simplify data entry and enforce business rules

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Date Due calculations consider weekends and public holidays


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Discrete workflows automate a range of functions (e.g. Extend Due Date; Approve)

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All actions are traceable and reportable through the Action History component


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Visual dashboards, advanced reporting and analysis and monitoring key metrics, such as near overdue and different stages are enhanced using Power BI

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Permissions are assigned automatically to ensure only the assigned staff can access sensitive content.

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Document automation is applied to your own templates and correspondence types


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Access to the workflow and report definitions allow your own staff to modify process steps, such as approvals.


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Unlimited user license – any staff with an M365 account within your agency can be assigned permission to access the TEAM Track solution 


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Core metadata allows point and click setup of different views and subsets of data to easily track progress, report, and manage staff workloads 

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Tracking of progress through stages is automatic, and provides for improved reporting and management

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Designed for scale and growth, TEAM Track suits both large and small agencies with a variety of purchase and configuration options.

To learn more about our solutions contact one of our team today.